BP- I can't agree more. I think I didn't explain my thoughts about capsules correctly. Capsules today are fitted into a complete hull and mounted in such a way that they break out of the hull when things are comming apart. I'm thinking that this capsule would still break away from the rest of the boat but when installed it completes the hull. If you remember the F-111 it had a crew ejection system that was the whole nose of the aircraft. Same idea here. The concept of the trap door like in the unlimiteds would be for escape in a roll over not violent enough to distroy the boat but trapping the driver in an inverted hull. Due to the CG moving forward in this design a roll over would not result in a bow up boat like we're all use to seeing but a flat bottom up attitude.
I also agree on the droop issue just drew it that way in the computer model to finish off the pump in the way I was familiar.