Enforce the border laws in place. Problem over on incoming.
Require employers to hire US citizens or immigrants that are here legally.
Problem over on existing (no work they will leave)
The few that remain and cause problems get deported.
Anchor babies, sorry no deal. Immigrate legally or go home within 6 mo.
No one here will do that work. Bullshit. Not for pennies on the dollar like illegals but it will get done at higher cost. When considering all the free shit the illegals now get the US will save money doing this. We are now ALL paying for the free shit.
That's my answer. The fuel deal is a weak bandaid imo and will not fix the problem only create more probably.
Bottom line is we need to elect some people with some balls to do the right thing and protect our country. Mexico will overrun the US if this is not fixed. Not to mention the terrorist threat from having open borders.
Take a look. Watch it all. (http://video.google.com/videoplay?do...68265&q=number)