Cool never seen that before good idea! I do like the look of the stringers. The fir and thickness of the clear is artsy looking kinda. Oh ya Salmon Arm! Same thing.LOL Were I am a 21 would be the cats arse but in larger bodys of water down south the 22 would be nice to have because of all the wake board boats these days. I still have the artical triple tunnel terror were ***boat tested the big black three engines on the 21mtr!! The 300 on the 21 was a 100mph boat!! Thats wicked. I like the rumble of the big blocks but you cant beat the efficiantcy of an outboard! I like the stoker but when compared to a cougar its realy an apples and oranges comparison to me anyway. The 21 Cougar is realy in a class buy them self. If comparing 22 fters then the 22mtr and Mach22 would be more fair. Theres not to many 21 tunnels other than the STV but again differant anamial! The 21Stoker with there tunnel design I guess would also be in a class by them self because you cant compare with Vees being a mod Tunnel design.Tunnels are hard to beat for fuel econamy and speed in moderatly rough water. I think between the two, Stoker and Cougar in a 21 it boils down to what style catches your eye more. I think with a 300 they are about the same speed wise? Im not exactly sure what the Stoker run i dont remember but think it was raight around 100 also? I have glass were I live most boaters put there boats away in sept! I go till the ice is on in Nov. i could fly a tunnel on this water! Now this is sweet water!!!