You're never rich with borrowed money.
Do you remember Pres. Clinton's speech regarding loans secured with "character". Seems almost funny now doesn't it?
The drop in fuel costs is anything but voluntary.
And alas, we've come back to Lott, find one good man and I will spare mankind.
How many more con men are on the verge of being discovered?
Fuel costs are manipulated based on what fear will bring in the open market. Usually, it's quite a bit.
So, you support a system where a man is not judged by the content of his character? The greatest generation and all those prior made most of their decisions (financial and personal) based on the content of a man's character. Although there are exceptions to every rule... they fared pretty well overall - and the morality of their society exceeded anything we've replaced it with using credit ratings, background checks and personal wealth.
We have yet to reach the apex of "con men" not yet caught. It is these con men who devastated our system, not poor people buying more than they could afford. It was exploitation of the system, not the system itself that destroyed our economic base. Just for giggles, look into the political affiliations of these mega buck charlatans and see what you come up with. I promise you a concensus of a particular political party. Hmmm?