I'll go out on a limb and ask for cease fire. When we stared this BOTE, we said that we wanted to be able to show the west coast guys that we can put on a hell of a get together. We didn't want the soap opera drama that some of the guys out there were bringing to the boards, so we played it all cool, and it was. Until we got home and Nitro aired it out. 6 months and an apology later, we are now acting like our own little soap. I'm not saying that we can't have fun with one another. There should be alot of kidding, ribbing, joking and whever you want to do, but keep the bashing to a mild splash. We might not all agree on everything, but we're not supposed to either. I don't think that you have to be friends with anyone you don't feel comfortable with, but can we be civil? Nitro, kick back, relax and enjoy the ride, put all your energy into your boat and give DKid a run. DKid, make sure you have your boat ready, put some seats in it and make sure the gearbox is in the right way. DKid and I have an uncanny way of running with a topic and try to make it funny, but might not be funny to some. Someone might make a comment, talk shit or screw something up, but don't let it blow up. Somebody will find something to kid about all winter long, but it should be fun, not damaging. There should be lifelong friends that come out of this, not enemies. What I'm saying is that we should cut the crap and put the efforts and ideas into the upcoming BOTE III. Do you guys agree or do I have my head up my ass????