I'm surprised that nobody has commented on Kobe Bryant's arrest.Do you guys hate the Lakers now that they failed to win 4 in a row?I don't like B-ball but everything I've seen about Kobe leads me to believe he's in the gunsights of some money grubbin hobag lookin for a payday.I bet she asked him for an autograph and a hug and there you go... Kobe seems to be a solid guy,unlike most of the trash in the NBA.He also turned himself in voluntarily and fully cooperated,which are the actions of a man with nothing to hide.
Also,Barry White kicked the bucket,and you know what that means don't you?
1.No more new records coming out to help you get in a date's pants..and more importantly
2.No more CHEF on SouthPark!!I've taken it upon myself to cook up a deluxe meal and practice saying"SWEET LOVE"in my deepest voice in case they have open auditions....