Top Ten Things You Don't Want To Hear in a Fast-Food Restaurant
10. "Welcome to Burger King. I am Pepe, the Burger Prince. May I take your order?
9. "Did you want to eat here, or are we going back to your place?"
8. "Cheeseburger, French fries and Coke... $94"
7. "You know that Subway guy, Jared? I've got him out in my trunk"
6. "I personally check the quality of everything I sell"
5. "The onion rings are laughing at me!"
4. "Here's your food, and here's the name of a gastroenterologist"
3. "I just ate the toy from the kids' meal and I don't feel so good"
2. "Don't bother me. I'm on my lunch break"
1. "Employees must wash their hands... Please."