I just received an e-mail from Amy at ESSEX explaining that LASER owners aren't invited to the ESSEX reggatta because of Business reasons. Can someone explain this to me? I guess I need to make some quick buddies on this MO FO ifin' I want to go. Any ESSEX owners want to take me as their guest? Here's the e-mail:
Hi Raymond,
Thanks for your interest in attending the Essex Regatta 2004. Unfortunately, Laser Boats must remain an individual custom boat company, therefore there will not be an Essex/Laser Regatta.
If however you know someone who owns an Essex Boat, we do not set limits as to the number of guestsdot.net@adelphia.net
each Essex owner brings to the Essex Regatta. So you would be able to attend if you are a guest of an Essex Boat owner.
As the number of Laser boats continues to climb at such a speedy rate, they are certain to have their own Regatta in the near future. And you will of course be invited to that.
Amy Poirier
Essex Performance Boats