a civilized standard of living IS the bithright of ALL of our citizens
WRONG! The only birthrights our citizens are entitled to are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. NOWHERE in the constitution does it say we are guaranteed a certain economic standard of living. We the citizens of this country have always aspired to MAKE the standard higher through hard work. Your entitlement mentality is why this country is losing the battle in so many ways. Listen to yourself, Don. You buy only U.S. made stuff, without relizing that the foreign competition is the ONLY reason U.S. made goods aren't junk. Do you think your American made car would be as nice if there wasn't a similar Japanese model it had to compete with? NO! Look at the American car industry in the 60's and 70's when the quality just kept spiraling downwards until we hit the early 80's and the Japanese took over. If the Japanese had never pushed us, our U.S. made cars would still be crap today because there WOULD BE NO INCENTIVE FOR IMPROVEMENT.