I'm breathing easier now. The Smoking Man has returned to the Quito office. For the last 6 days here at the rig I've been sharing a small office with my boss that came out to help out during a problem well I was dealing with. He's a evil chain smoker that smokes during meals, morning day and night. I'm guessing about 3 packs a day. He don't ask if it bothers anyone cause he says he don't care! My sleeping quarters in the other end of this little office is smoked out too. All my clothes smell like smoke. My eyes were burning and my throat is sore. I was thinking of taking up smoking just to even things out. I have never had to deal with that sore of thing for many years. Any friends that we have that smoke, do so outside or in the garage. You forget that they even smoke sometimes.
Anyone else work in close quarters with a Smoking Man or Woman? :frown: