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Thread: Who is getting sick of racism towards whites?

  1. #61
    Tom Brown
    I've always felt that ***boat is prejudiced against outboards. Come on, we're below all the other drive types in the forum list and it's not like it's alphabetical. If it were, "V Drives" would be on the bottom.
    It's just this sort of shit that's keeping us outboard guys from making anything of ourselves.

  2. #62
    Dr. Eagle
    Originally posted by Blown 472
    Ding, that is one of the most racist channels but yet no one says shit about it, If white folk did half the shit they do, there would be looting and all kinds of shit going down.
    That is because in this screwed up "politically correct" world now, it is OK to hate white folk. It is OK to be racist, long as it is a black, asian, native american, whatever against "whitey".
    Sorry it is just wrong....
    I am friggin tired of it. But then according to the "world expert" Michael Moore, I am just one of those "angry white men that don't want to admit that they don't run the world anymore". Somebody hold me back....

  3. #63
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Originally posted by Rev. Williams
    My racism is not towards ethnicity, it's more towards all those who won't take responsibilty for their own actions. Be it a black, white or other..... Everyone now has to place blame on someone else when they feel they've been wronged. If a black family is poor, it's because whitey is putting him down. The mexican can't get a high paying job because the white man won't hire him. And even more rediculous, a man can sue a gun store owner since his wife was shot by a gun bought in his store legally This is BS !!! The U.S. is losing all the freedoms that we're fighting for in other countries. As we save other countries our own is decaying in to a litigious me me me country. The values of working hard for what you want has transitioned in to a "How can I beat the system" mentality.
    As in the post earlier about the niggers, towel heads, wet backs and trailer trash whitey...(all the worst of each ethnicity)...Yes these are all people that most would hate!!! and in my book I do hate! But it has nothing to do with a skin color, it's because these people are undesireable and add no values to society. They're the hemmoriod on the ass of life !! They take from other because the feel they deserve it...BS they're shit because they do shit!! I have no sympathy for them. My goal is to form a bum catcher sytem just like the dog catchers.... We'll pick up the bums and low lifes and if nobody claims them in two weeks, we put um down!!! Hell, I'd rather a dog walking the street and crapping on my lawn then some piece of shit bum sleeping in the bushes and making the neighborhoods look like crap!!
    Okay, that's enough
    Got too much time on your hands at work?

  4. #64
    You have it all wrong. White people are the minority in LA.

  5. #65
    CMT racisist? Jesus H. Christ.
    I am a racist. I`m not sorry for it either. If other ethnic groups want to hate me too then I think thats great. My wife is hispanic. I`m half Dutch and half Italian. I`ve got friends from every ethnic background except probably Eskimo. **** them too.
    In all seriousness the way I look at African Americans has changed for the most part after a bad experience that was career related. I know it doesn`t represent all African Americans but it was a very serious moment in my life. I was a foreman (in marine industry) and an African American guy on my crew played the race issue to the ****in` edge! He was looking for a confrontation. He would hand out fliers to other African Americans dealing with black literature. No big deal just giving you the setting. This was a shipyard/production environment. He would do as little as possible. I would have to walk him through every step every day. I just got to the point that I didn`t tell him shit! Well other employees where taking notice and I couldn`t have that. In this work environment you show weakness and the workers will eat your ****in` ass. Then as a Supervisor you lose your edge. If you lose that you might not get it back. So this cat decides he doesn`t have to work anymore. I also forgot to tell you he is gay! No shit this is true. Well let me tell you a lil` somtin`. In this type of environment if you wanna be the man you gotta beet the man. I tried to send his black ass home. He went to human resources and lied stating I called him racial slurs. I didn`t. He then called the company president and threatenned to sue the company. He also went to the labor board. Naturally over time this all went away but I got cut down and had a serious black mark on my resume. Went to leadman. This guy knew what he was doing and did it. It worked. He got his rocks off ****in` some white guy over. PERIOD! Another black worker told me. I`m not the type to go to the man and cry so I never pursued anything. I just left. I`ve really never looked at black people the same since. I am sorry for that. Really I am but I can`t seem to get past that particular event mentally. Because the system is set up for just this situation to occur. Again and again.
    I tell you this much,,the bitch boy never went in the yard again when I was there.

  6. #66
    The sad thing is that no matter what industry you are in the merrit of your work don't mean shit reguardless of race. Every one has to be equal paying someone more because they work harder would make the other guy feel bad about himself and we can't have someone that only shows up to work every other day and does half the work of everyone else feeling bad about himself. Its funny to me that we all blame the big companies for moving out of the country for cheaper labor but, really can you blame them with all the workers comp and bull shit law suits.

  7. #67
    By the way I'm a fat white honkey that lives in a trailer and I'm proud of it because I worked my white ass off every day for it so ****ing sue me. I also make a damn good living without finishing high school and I grew up poor but, I did'nt blame anyone I'm just not afraid of work. So rather than sit on my ass and wait for the government cheese to come every month I got out and got a job. If the rest of America would stop expecting everything to be handed to them and think the same way. We would be living in alot better place.

  8. #68
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2009
    i was thrown out of my high school for wearing a white t-shirt that said "PROUD HONKEY" in brown letters! no shit!!!
    all the while the other races had their shirts that displayed "BLACK POWER" & "CHICANO PRIDE" or "BROWN PRIDE"! its complete bullshit! dont get me married to a "PANFACED YELLOW BROAD THAT CANT COOK"! J/K lmao

  9. #69
    Originally posted by Havasu_Dreamin
    What's up with this whole hate crime BS? Since when did a crime become worse becasue it was committed against a certain person? What a focking joke! A crime is a crime regardless of whom perpetrated what against who.
    oh yeah thats my pet pieve why is it if a white guy wups anyones ass other than another white guy its a felony hate crime but if a black guy stomps my ass its a ass wupin and i need to take it like a man and go home , some of you know me and know im married to a oreo who is a lapd officer. works hard ,as a kid never had one dealing with the cops worked at vons every summer during high school never stole shit or did drugs and she was born and raised in l.a. county, so it goes to show u it is possible. the white man aint holdin no one down, therye the ones gettin held down i gotta be 3 times the man to get the same job since i dont speak spanish oh well **** it i dont wanna get going on it either

  10. #70
    Arent White people the minority now,it sure looks like it in Ca.I lived in a white neghiborhood
    most of the time but moved to a different place and cant believe what i see.Have you ever been in a grocery store and find the boxs is empty or seen a person at a stop light open his door and throw his trash out and slowing at a stop light with the other driver trying to over take you so they can get in front.Theres lots more ive seen within a year and iam getting but never seen this in a white neghiborhood.Am i a racist
    The incident in Inglewood when the cop hit the kid and it was turned into a racist issue,What would you expect when 99% on that area is non white.The percentage of getting a white guy is small in that hood.

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