I'm amazed at the sentiment some people have about public indecency and overall bad behavior in public. It's gotten so bad that people are ragging on other people for bringing their kids to the Sandbar. Well, let me ask you this; Why the hell shouldn't someone be able to enjoy a public place with their kids? Yeah, I know what goes on there, but isn't that the problem? I'm so sick of hearing people whine all week on here about how the channel might be restricted, or how the Sandbar is closed on big weekends. Then those same people go there that weekend and sit in the channel with their engine running to power the stereo before heading up to the sandbar to watch drunk skanks pull a train. My point is, why is it the responsibility of decent people to change their behavior so that indecency can be accomodated? There's no sign at Havasu that advertises it as a strip bar or public sex palace, it's a lake! A public setting with rules and laws in place for the protection and consideration of ALL who use it, not just one group. On one hand you have people who just want to have a good time with their kids and who wouldn't disturb anyone. These are obviously the bad people, and must be gotten rid of because on the other hand you have people who encourage, participate in or attract sleazy behavior, drugs, prostitution, fighting and even gunplay. (Yes, these have all happened at Havasu)These are the people who must have the right to do whatever they want wherever they want whether it's legal or not and you better take your children elsewhere if you don't like it. I think I know which crowd I'd rather have parked next to me at the Sandbar.