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Thread: Let freedom reign... the diceroll

  1. #1
    Lake Pirate
    The Facts: Bush has handed the Iraqians sovereignty a day early. The new government has issued warrants for the "dirty dozen" which is Saddams heads of state and such. The new government is ready to get down to the business of holding their first democratic elections. Should be within ninety days.
    The spin to the left: could this be a move to divert the american voter from the agregious amount of money we have spent on this war not to mention the dramatic loss of life? The lefties will think so.
    The spin to the right: Bush is a hero. He has liberated Iraq and freed the Iraqi people. Al Queada is devastated and ill prepared for this handover. We've done the hard part and UN can handle it from here.
    My spin: I fail to see how the interim government can survive? The Iraqi police are deccimated from within. It's a suicide job and I have yet to see where they are even appropriately armed. They can't last. The Iraqi guard (army) only has 3000 soldiers. They are trained by us and will most likely pursue conventional warfare which will make their small army completely ineffective. The UN wasn't successful in Bosnia and they won't be successful in Iraq. Too many countries with too many agendas pulling in too many directions. I think they'll be under the rule of a thuggish tribal leader in six months. Hope I'm wrong though!

  2. #2
    Here's my spin....where are the people who said a year ago we would NEVER give the Iraqis their country back? That being said, the handoff is a starting point, that's all. You don't take an infant from his first steps directly to walking a tightrope, do you? These people have been taught to "obey without question" for 25 years and now they have to get used to the concept of having actual ownership in the destiny of their country.
    Okay, now the bad news. WTF is anyone thinking by agreeing to hand Saddam Hussein over to the Iraqi interim government? If he actually gets sent over there, Lake Pirate might be right about them being back under the rule of a tyrannical thug because the terrorists will shift their operation 100% to busting him out of jail! This is what we get when people go soft and bleeding hearts have the biggest mouths. This dude should have been tried, convicted and shot within a week of his capture. Instead he's been sitting around eating culturally appropriate meals and writing letters to his family.
    And now the scumbags at GTMO have been given the right to their day in OUR courts, even though they don't live here. Thank you, ACLU. You have just single-handedly given terrorism the biggest assist ever. The Supreme Court is out of control when they say "you have the right to apprehend suspected terrorists, but we're not gonna let you." We're DOOMED!

  3. #3
    Lake Pirate
    WOW! You managed to turn the whole thing into the libs fault. LMAO!
    I gree with you in theory. Turning Saddam over is prolly a bad thing. There's plenty of bad guys to choose from if they don't bust him out though. I think it's WAY early to be handing this back to an interim government. They are plainly not ready.
    The ACLU is like PETA for people. Nice if you just read their tenets but in application they are WAY out there and almost psychotic in the choices they make.

  4. #4
    There already is "due process" available, it's called a military tribunal. I believe they would fit the bill as eligible recipients of this quick, no-nonsense form of justice but nobody has the balls to start the process. Now that these scumbags know they will have their day in court, the flow of info from interrogations will become as non-existant as a facts in a Michael Moore film!

  5. #5
    Lake Pirate
    Actually the news is stating that we will hold Saddamnit only until they provide a secure prison to retain him.

  6. #6
    Well,since he likes hiding underground why don't we give him a secure prison 6 feet under? Actually, better than that, release him in downtown Baghdad and let the people get some payback!

  7. #7
    Lake Pirate
    Hey! We agree.
    I'd support that and buy the first ticket. It could be like Pamplona but with all bulls and one person.

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