Hey guys. Iam still looking for a cruiser. I thought I had one nailed down-a super clean Spectra 20 jet that I thought I was going to be able to drag and drop my BBF into and after setting up an appointment with the guy (he will remain nameless) for tomoorrow to run the boat at a local lake ( I told him over the phone I was bringing cash and not wasting his time and serious-I even told him to bring the title, the bimini and everything that goes with the boat and I would hammer out a deal in the parking lot) the guy calls me last night and says he is selling it to a friend so he can still use it whenever he wants. I hate it when people jack you around. I think he just didn't want to take the time to drag the boat to the lake for a water test and if that was the case he just should have said so. after spending a few sesions on the phone with this guy, lining up the money, and setting aside a Sunday there you have it. Anyways does anybody know of any nice cruisers-(jet, V-drive) that somebody actually wants to sell. The owner of this boat did not seem al that motivated and by the excrusiating price tag that was obvious. Please forward all clean cruiser examples For Sale you know about.