I dont think 396 was trying to offend you at all dude he was just noticing something that ive personally seen done several times. he hasnt met you or seen your work before. if you read his post he didnt call you names or say that your a dumbass. he simply stated what HE would do if he was putting that setup together. I dont think he meant to offend anyone until you called him a moron for suggestiong something that would make your boat safer!!!
plenty of people come on here every day with questions like: hey can I run this setup without a problem???? and they post a picture of what you did and they are asking if a piece of high pressure water hose clamped on to a barbed brass valve will work??? NOONE was clowning you dude!!!!!! :argue:
I was going to mention it myself when I first read your post! But I saw that 396 already had so I figured you got the idea. less hostility towards those who are concerned about wether or not your boat sinks might be better in the future!!! personally I think that to respond like isnt cool!! If 396 and I were standing there with a cold beer helping you do this job and you talked to us that way in person, ID help him kick your ass!!! :crossx: :skull:
Well put!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im sure glad that someone understands where Im comming from