I'm venting here and looking for some serious advice. I don't want to get rid of him so I'm thinking of hanging him from a tree instead. Just kidding on the hanging, but he deserves it. Some of you may recall that we have a female golden 1.5 years old (Summer) who is an angel. She learned quickly. Then there is Storm, another golden/ lab mix who is living up to his name. He is 7 months old. I'm not one for tying them outside, and there isn't a fence around the yard. The potty training is still hit and miss, but as soon as we leave the house, he's tearing up whatever he can find. He has a favorite plant that gets a tour of the house on a daily basis. Then there is whatever else he can find. 5 pound bag of flour, duster, electrical cords plugged in, clothes, garbage, Kleenex, newspapers, dog food, Coke cans, money, CD's, and bank statements. Thats just the list from today. As soon as I walk in the house, he bolts because he knows he did wrong. Then I have to go out, grab him and show him all the wrong things he did. What do I have to do to get him to stop? I convinced the wife to give him until August 1st, but he might not make it that long. Little fugger just doesn't get it.