The most important aspect of immigration reform is to secure the border.
The media and the pro-illegal agenda have created the myth that we canÂ’t secure the border unless we do something for the 11 million. All of the bills being proposed in the US Senate only delay the House bill that deals directly with the border problem.
American voters want to remove the 11 million out of this country.
• The recall election of Pro-illegal immigration Governor Grey Davis was won by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who also got 31 percent of the Hispanic vote after opposing SB60 (drivers licenses for illegals) and having Pete Wilson in his camp. Bustamante, the most popular pro-illegal candidate, got only 52 percent of the Hispanic vote and of course lost.
• In Arizona Proposition 200, another law blocking illegals from welfare, passed easily with a 56 percent yes vote, including 40% of the Hispanic vote
• California, a liberal blue state, voted for Prop 187 which would have denied illegals welfare. This resolution was voted for by 25% of hispanics.
• Illegal immigrant groups challenge these propositions in courts because they know that millions of illegals depend on welfare to stay in the US
Forcing illegals out of this country will not destroy the US economy
• Illegals are less than 5% of the workforce, they are not a majority in any industry nor are they “the backbone” of the economy.
• Many of the companies that hire illegals make billions in profits and could easily increase their wages to hire the majority of US workers in their industry.
• The same economic excuse to defend illegal labor was used to successfully defend slavery in the US for decades, resulting in the Civil War.
• The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that illegals cost the federal government $10 billion a year. State and local governments lose even more.
Republicans will not get the “Hispanic Vote” by pandering to the illegal agenda
• Hispanic activist groups are loyal to Mexico first and the socialist agenda second. The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda give democrats over 90% favorable rating. A Conservative has no chance of gaining favor with these groups
• Propositions that cut welfare to illegals are supported by Americans, including many hispanics. Even more support is for securing the borders.
• The way for Conservatives to reach out to hispanics is the same way they reach out to the rest of America, by speaking and voting Conservative.
• The Hispanic Vote is 6% of the voting population