I get a call from the Mrs last night around 9 p.m. It seems that her 17 y.o. son had run down to the store in her Lexus and was coming back when some clown who was parked at the curb pulls out right into the rear passenger quarter panel of her car. Our son pulls off to the side of the road to exchange info and the A**hole takes off! Our son drives to the cop shop and files a report. They, of course, don't put that much faith in catching the guy (we live right near the Navajo reservation, and it's estimated that 40-50% of the ppl there don't carry insurance).
So, it looks like we will be filing a claim with our insurance to pay for the damage. What I was wondering, is if anyone has any experience with this sort of thing and if their rates took a jump because of it. We only have one other claim in the last 3 years (Pickup got stolen out on the reservation).