I hope every one helps out with the hurricane relief in some way of their choice. We all know it is the right thing to do!
I can't help but think every time somthing of major proportion like this happens...9/11....and earthquake.. or whatever the Red Cross jumps in
(god bless them) and then the fund raising begins(nessasary)and great amount's of money are raised, HOW COME SO LITTLE GET'S TO THE PEOPLE!
If I remember correctly? after 9/11 aprox $100,000,000.00 (One Hundred Million Dollars) was raised and aprox $20,000,000,00 (Twenty Million )was actually distributed and that was only after people and Goverment started to complain. Then to top it off they gave BIG BONUS's to their top executives for such good fund raising! Even if my number's are a bit off this still happens EVERY SINGLE TIME! I dont know about anyone else but I kinda get tired of it. With so many people trying to help so much and the Red Cross turning it into so little! it just break's my heart! For me I very much prefer the Salvation Army. I just want to see the MOST BENEFIT from the donation's. My next question is ....I wonder how big the bonus's to the executive's will be this year?
sorry for the rant, but somtimes you just gotta spit it out.