Wife just got back from Smiths for the weekly shopping and as I unload about 6 or 7 sacks and a couple of gallons of milk and some 12 paks of soda in two trips (normally it takes about 4 or so trips) I said it was hardly worth driving up there. We usually try to spend the required $90 to get the $.15 of a gallon of gas. She says dont worry it was over $100 I'm amazed at the cost of food, it is simply incredible to me. It is just the two of us unless the kids come over; and we eat a lot of chicken and things like that, not steak every nite, plus we eat out about 3-4 times a week. I remember that when our kids were living at home (3 boys) we would go thru a dozen gallons of milk a week.
How the young families with your normal 2.3 children cope with todays cost of living is beyond me!!!!!!!! Oh yeah I forgot about the trip to Sams Club about every two months and that one usually goes for between $300-$500. NSF