I personally spoke with Jim Marsh, the Smith Mt. Lake Power Boaters Association President, and this bill is the tip of the iceberg. Once a bill like this is past, it is VERY simple to expand or modify the scope of the law to include other lakes such as LAKE ANNA. Your help is needed. Contact your local legislators. Contact the Allen Dudley and let him know you don't want this bill.
There's a NEW BILL in the Virginia house setting a night time speed limit on SML. This action requires a 2/3's majority vote. However IF this gets passed through... it would only require a majority vote to set a day time limit. DAY TIME SPEED LIMIT is there objective. This is supported by the SMLA and other groups who have been trying for years to rid the lake of anyone who doesn't fit their profiling. I'm looking for supporters & people to help. Please copy and paste this post in as many forums as you can find. We need this word to get out. They want to push this through in the cold months while people aren't thinking about boating.
Here's the email to the rep who is supporting this: Del_Dudley@house.state.va.us
Here's his personal email: AllenDudley@Hotmail.com
The original
and a New one specifically about the speed limits.