I'm watching a show on MTV right now, and the subject matter is about two sisters, one of whom got jumped by two other females, one of whom took out a knife and started to slice her up. The other sister, fearing for her sisters' life as she was getting sliced up, took out a knife and stabbed the attacker, and is now in juvie with attempted murder charges pending against her. My question is this;
IS it illegal to stand up for someone? If you see someone being harmed, and you take whatever actions are necessary to protect that person, why is that attmpted murder? If this is the case, we are truly all on our own....and no one can depend on anyone to help them or to save them should they be in serious trouble by someone else. If you stand up for someone, and do what it takes to save them, up to and including shooting them, if necessary, to get them off, what is the problem?