Please...Your theory holds up IF Cashcar was a RACING organization. It's not. It's WWE on wheels. Truex will get a sniff at the cell phone cup but nothing more. Cashcar is about building stars and making sure they win the cup. Check that stats. Only three teams have won the cup in the last ten years. Gibbs, Roush and Hendrick. The only guy outside those teams that has a chance is Harvick and he is fading.
The guy who wins the cup is whoever Caschcar wants to win it. Selective rules enforcement plays a big part. Example? During the RED FLAG at Watkins Glen what was Harvick's crew doing? Rebuilding their car while the Cashcar officials watched. Until Felix Sabates pointed out that there is NO work allowed during a red flag. DOH!!! Hey, you have to stop now... after you finish putting in that new radiator!!!
Cashcar is a joke. The sponsors run it from top to bottom. And the officials tell the teams when and where to take a dump.
Like the Robby bullshit hose job two weeks ago!!!