No attacks on American Soil…..and if you remember, Clinton dismissed the first WTC attack as minor and discounted Al Quida all together which allowed 9/11 to happen in the first place.
Un precedented economic growth the first 7 years, Dow at 14,000+, low unemployment, high GDP and if you notice that when the Dem’s took over two years ago the bottom has fallen out. Yes Bush should have been on TV screaming about the impending disaster but he did at least try to sway a congress about the doom that would not hear of it…..remember Dem Barney Frank on TV just a month before the disaster telling all of us that Fanny and Freddy and the mortgage sector was sound? The Dems lied to us as they saw the disaster…..and they failed the last two years to see the warnings, which included Bush and McCain.
Brought down Libya and their Nuclear Aspirations.
Has held North Korea in check.
Did not embarrass this country by keeping his pants on and displaying a high level of ethics and morality by respecting and loving his wife.
Freed a two of the most oppressed people in the world, Iraq and Afghanistan.
And one that non military thinks have no clue about, we have Iraq surrounded on three sides the gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan…..take a look at you world Map….strategic advantage to keep our largest and most active threat…….
Do I need to go on?:idea: :idea: :idea:
And what is he leaving us? amazing how you drone on about what happend 8 ****ing years ago, your boy has ****ed this country three ways to sunday and you are too ****ing blind to see it, we will see how you feel about him when you are out of work and our country grinds to a hault, oh shit that will be obama fault then.