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Thread: Another reason the Liberals get under my skin!

  1. #1
    Watching CNN during a workout this morning and they are doing a special on John Edwards. They are actually bragging about how he was the greatest personal injury trial lawer ever! Got MILLIONS in awards for people that refused to accept responsibility for the personal actions and blamed it on the other guy so they would not have to work anymore!
    It went on to say he lost his 16? year old son when his son's jeep was blown off the road and killed him. Very sad for any parent. But, makes me wonder about karma.........after all those trumped up injuries and inflated awards......

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Watching CNN during a workout this morning and they are doing a special on John Edwards. They are actually bragging about how he was the greatest personal injury trial lawer ever! Got MILLIONS in awards for people that refused to accept responsibility for the personal actions and blamed it on the other guy so they would not have to work anymore!
    It went on to say he lost his 16? year old son when his son's jeep was blown off the road and killed him. Very sad for any parent. But, makes me wonder about karma.........after all those trumped up injuries and inflated awards......
    Its a pretty sad statement for society in general when people brag and celebrate our f'ed up legal system. Do the democrats actually want this gold digging mad dog lawyer in a position to be in charge of our country should Kerry die in office? I can't believe anyone actually likes this arrogant society milking weak excuse for a person with the working man's interests in mind.

  3. #3
    Dave C
    you don't hang around liberals to much, do you?
    you see they believe that trial lawyers are benevolent warriors that fight against the big evil corporations to hold them accountable for their raping and pillaging of society.....
    so you see Edwards is the modern day version of Robin Hood. :boxed:
    (disclaimer: this was tongue-in-cheek and serious all at the same time)

  4. #4
    you don't hang around liberals to much, do you?
    you see they believe that trial lawyers are benevolent warriors that fight against the big evil corporations to hold them accountable for their raping and pillaging of society.....
    so you see Edwards is the modern day version of Robin Hood. :boxed:
    (disclaimer: this was tongue-in-cheek and serious all at the same time)
    Dave hit it on the head. Nazis villified Jewish "robber barons". The political left just dropped the Jewish part and is singing the same tune to get support for their anti capitolism.

  5. #5
    Kerry supporters?????
    Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush-Cheney Supporter's Lawn
    Homeowner: 'My Signs Are Going Right Back In The Yard'
    POSTED: 11:57 am CDT October 1, 2004
    UPDATED: 12:31 pm CDT October 1, 2004
    MADISON, Wis. -- Madison homeowners are livid after vandals defaced their homes.
    Someone burned an 8-foot-by-8-foot Nazi swastika on a home's lawn near where Bush-Cheney signs were posted. The vandals used grass killer to spray the symbol.
    Several nearby homes were vandalized -- all were within a two-block radius on the West Side, near Ice Age Trail, News 3 reported.
    State Republican Party officials claim it's the latest in a series of desperate acts by Democrats.
    Homeowners are angry, but resolute in what they plan to do next.
    "I just cannot believe that someone would take the liberty to do this," said homeowner Rob Schaeffer. "We're appalled that someone would choose to destroy our property because they don't believe in our political views. My signs are going right back in the yard. This is my property. We live here. We have rights."
    Police are investigating the criminal damage and told the homeowner it will be investigated as a hate crime, which carries stiffer penalties.
    Copyright 2004 by Channel 3000. All rights reserved.

  6. #6
    Let's face it. Reagan proved big business doing well is good for everyone. The Demos just don't get it. Tax the big business,or any business for that matter, and who pays? The consumer! Who can least afford it? The Domocrats in general, well, except for the bleeding heart actors that is. But then, they don't really work for a living do they? :boxingguy

  7. #7
    Reagan proved how easy it was for a standing president to quadruple the deficit with inept policy decisions like deregulating the Savings and Loans, changing the bankruptcy laws to increase the filings by large corporations to an astronomically high degree, etc. What a joke of a president. Our children will be paying off the debt from his stupid decisions, as well as our childrens children and so on.

  8. #8
    Oh, and I forgot about those greedy lawyers taking money from hard working people, creating inflation, saying how they work so many hours and really they are chatting it up on ***boat forums with out even owning a boat!:argue:

  9. #9
    Reagan proved how easy it was for a standing president to quadruple the deficit with inept policy decisions like deregulating the Savings and Loans, changing the bankruptcy laws to increase the filings by large corporations to an astronomically high degree, etc. What a joke of a president. Our children will be paying off the debt from his stupid decisions, as well as our childrens children and so on.
    Reagan was so "inept" that he DOUBLED the revenue coming into the treasury with his tax cuts. Let me say that again so you hear it correctly. Tax revenues to the treasury DOUBLED during the Reagan years. It was the Democrat controlled congress, not the President, who broke a promise to cut spending along with the tax cut to reduce the deficit. You say Reagan was a "joke" but Bill Clinton is some kind of hero? You need serious mental help. Reagan ended the cold war and ended communism abroad almost single-handedly. Were you asleep the week after he died? Did you see what happened in this country? Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century, and the people proved it. If you're talking about "inept" presidencies, you must be thinking about Reagan's predecessor, Jimmy Carter. Talk about a joke...Don't be mad because every Democrat presidency in recent history has been a disaster. Sack is on the way. John Kerry is worse than either of those two.

  10. #10
    I don't suppose it was the previous 70 years of fighting communism? Just those few months of the Reagan presidency. Or the fact that as Reagan himself said on many occasions, communism is destined to ultimately fail? I'm sure if you scan through all of the statistics from the GAO, IRS, Treasury, etc. you can even find one or two more positive sounding statistics regarding the Reagan years. Can't deny the quadrupling of the deficit. Can't deny his failure in understanding his deregulation of the S&L's would result in their collapse. Can't deny that the presidency itself was over his head. He may have been a nice guy (from what I've heard from his kids, maybe not) but was a failure in office. Jimmy Carter? Nice guy. No denying it. A failure in office (in great part due to his failure to understand the length the other party can and will go to drag down America to drive a president from another party out of office). I prefer the eight years of the Clinton presidency. The greatest economic period of our history. Want me to repeat that one? By the way, what do you think Bush and the republican lead congress have done with that 4 trillion dollar surplus they had when they went into office? Now we're suddently in the hole again? What a bunch of crooks.

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