I want to touch on something else Chet has mentioned which is about the bronze impeller. I just find it funny how Chet who favors Aggressor suggest a Bronze verses a Stainless Steel impeller and basicaly tells all of us we should of thought of that to save our fellow boater some cash. Well, I did some research today and found the only jet pump builder today offering a Bronze is Aggressor. How about that? Berkeley, Legend, American Turbine, and Dominator only offer Aluminum or Stainless. I also called some of Chets favorite shops for some more information. What I found out is that there is no performance value with a Bronze impeller and costs them almost the same to make as a Stainless, and the Bronze impeller is heavier then a Stainless. I also found out one of the reasons a Legend Stainless is considered the best out of the box impeller is because it is made out of stonger material then the rest. Aggressor does offer a Stainless impeller on there website, but I've been told by some of Chets favorite shops that Aggressor doesn't have access to a Stainless Steel foundary (RiverDave, your a metal guy, am I saying this right?) So there stainless is custom ordered and the shops I called didn't know if Aggressor has even sold any.
So no wonder why Chet suggested a Bronze, that is all his company, oop's, I mean Aggressor offers over the Aluminum. So Chet, don't feel bad for opening your mouth before using your brain, I know lots of people who do that. They all drive out boards.
PS. For the record, I didn't call MPD at all for any of this Information and one of the pump MFG's I called even told me, one of the best pumps guys ever is Jack at MPD. That's got to say something about the work he does.
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[This message has been edited by HBjet (edited November 19, 2001).]