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  1. owned (0 replies)
  2. How many more days till this ****ing (1 replies)
  3. Iran/Hamas (7 replies)
  4. FKN news (0 replies)
  5. Soon to be over (11 replies)
  6. Merry xmas (6 replies)
  7. How to treat a zionist pig (4 replies)
  8. There you have it kiddies, (0 replies)
  9. Thomas Jefferson (5 replies)
  10. Australian Gun Laws (0 replies)
  11. A big thank you to (0 replies)
  12. Israel/Iran (5 replies)
  13. Modern Parable (2 replies)
  14. food for thought, as you enjoy yer leftovers (0 replies)
  15. List of prez bush's achivements (26 replies)
  16. New Presidential Lemo (4 replies)
  17. Some things never change. (1 replies)
  18. How he won (32 replies)
  19. Russia responds to Obamas election (13 replies)
  20. President Barack Obama (34 replies)
  21. Words of Wisdom (0 replies)
  22. Notice to Employees (3 replies)
  23. License and Social Security Cards for Illegals (12 replies)
  24. Radio time. (3 replies)
  25. Obama's USSA (2 replies)
  26. Scottrade or Ameritrade? (0 replies)
  27. Obama's Life (2 replies)
  28. Obama Youth (1 replies)
  29. wtf??? grab your ankles bitches (4 replies)
  30. And you want to elect these turds?? (24 replies)
  31. Chicago Style (0 replies)
  32. Racist Left (4 replies)
  33. Experience (1 replies)
  34. The shit storm is coming kiddies (72 replies)
  35. Why people are voting republican (2 replies)
  36. What would new view on choice do for the Republicans (1 replies)
  37. Not impressed with all the negative ads (4 replies)
  38. Hey rexie (0 replies)
  39. John McCains speech (3 replies)
  40. blowin 472 dudes a month (1 replies)
  41. Obama's Own Words! (23 replies)
  42. Why people are voting Democrat (51 replies)
  43. Clean Boating Act (0 replies)
  44. OBAMA-the POST TURTLE (3 replies)
  45. Liberal News Bias (1 replies)
  46. Gas Prices and Terrorism (10 replies)
  47. 2nd Admendment (3 replies)
  48. Welfare (2 replies)
  49. Obama vs. McCain...your take? (55 replies)
  50. Where is Blown? (12 replies)
  51. we should stop saying "we're the most (9 replies)
  52. War on Radical Islam! (3 replies)
  53. Post Turtle (2 replies)
  54. McCain (2 replies)
  55. Hillary Clinton Concedes (1 replies)
  56. Obama just lost the black vote (6 replies)
  57. Movie time kiddies (2 replies)
  58. Got to love em (2 replies)
  59. Who runs this country? (14 replies)
  60. Now tha cherry is popped (52 replies)
  61. Hillary (6 replies)
  62. China (0 replies)
  63. clinton foot in mouth (1 replies)
  64. border incursions (6 replies)
  65. Tea Party 08' Ron Paul (54 replies)
  66. More from the party of tolerance (9 replies)
  67. It's time we pulled out (7 replies)
  68. Clinton/North Korea (8 replies)
  69. Ethanol Stirs Eco-Debate (0 replies)
  70. “Turning Up the Heat on Gore.” (7 replies)
  71. Now Your Talking! (7 replies)
  72. Obama on Oprah (6 replies)
  73. Global Warming, have the courage to do nothing!! (14 replies)
  74. A thought or 22 about Democrat's........ (112 replies)
  75. Guess ol billy wasn't that bad (11 replies)
  76. Church Volenteer shoots gunman and saves hundreds (48 replies)
  77. So who are you voting for?? (159 replies)
  78. Rising waters (60 replies)
  79. Lifes a bitch (0 replies)
  80. Republican Canadates (13 replies)
  81. So if (12 replies)
  82. I told you left wingers were nuts!!! (27 replies)
  83. So, what happens next (46 replies)
  84. Bill Clinton and his Flip Flops (32 replies)
  85. Youtube Republican debates tonight 8:Pm ET (41 replies)
  86. Great Battlefield Story (0 replies)
  87. Exercising my 2nd amendment over the weekend. (200 replies)
  88. If you could ask one Question to all of the presidential canadents... (22 replies)
  89. Presidential Priorities (12 replies)
  90. Stem cell research (45 replies)
  91. Huckabee Ad (6 replies)
  92. Happy Thanksgiving! (4 replies)
  93. So what now? (18 replies)
  94. Susan Estrich, your takes: (8 replies)
  95. Our Country needs major help (65 replies)
  96. Canada court: AWOL U.S. soldiers not refugees (6 replies)
  97. Lighten up for a minute... (7 replies)
  98. Democrat gets poetic justice. (28 replies)
  99. Hillary uses plant (11 replies)
  100. China (25 replies)
  101. Chinese Attack sub pops up by USS Kitty Hawk, no detection! (120 replies)
  102. Global Warming-"Greatest Scam in History" (206 replies)
  103. It's a QUAGMIRE!!!! (5 replies)
  104. Bush sees first veto override in water bill (7 replies)
  105. Don't Panic! (1 replies)
  106. Who is Barack Obama? (7 replies)
  107. A little levity as things ramp up. (3 replies)
  108. Bush's Tax on the Wealthy (50 replies)
  109. Your takes in Keith Oberman?: (51 replies)
  110. Bad things about to happen in Pakistan (1 replies)
  111. Bad intel snitch used for Iraq war outed... (79 replies)
  112. Your favorite conservative on youtube (3 replies)
  113. For the Anti Military/Bush (4 replies)
  114. Bush to Congress...WE ARE AT WAR!!! (91 replies)
  115. Obama, this takes the cake (3 replies)
  116. that debate was like porn (9 replies)
  117. Hey Ultra (2 replies)
  118. FAWKIN' ROSIE! Look at this BIATCH! (8 replies)
  119. Hillary: Hippies over Health Care (1 replies)
  120. National Illegal Immigration Impact Survey (3 replies)
  121. Income Tax? (20 replies)
  122. Hey Old Tex (2 replies)
  123. A little humor (2 replies)
  124. Having Trouble Breathing Ultra? (4 replies)
  125. Oops! Hilary exposed (246 replies)
  126. Stop Durbin Dream Bill "Stealth" Amnesty Bill (1 replies)
  127. Revamp the Electoral College (8 replies)
  128. Rats go down in flames! The Rush smear letter $851,100.00 (131 replies)
  129. She's a Democrat, a Liberal, and an Idiot (15 replies)
  130. Al Gore the liar (20 replies)
  131. Foreign signage (29 replies)
  132. Well Arnold signed the micro stamp bill (4 replies)
  133. Turkish Armenian Bill (9 replies)
  134. Medal Of Honor (5 replies)
  135. Nobel has "Jumped the Shark" (31 replies)
  136. nice trillion dollar tax on the rich!! (2 replies)
  137. Hold on to your hats folks... (6 replies)
  138. Dear President Bush, (36 replies)
  139. Speaking of S-chip (123 replies)
  140. Rush's Phoney Soldier Comment (31 replies)
  141. Them thar democrats is halpen us! (2 replies)
  142. Talk about unbelievable... (1 replies)
  143. Lone Survivor (1 replies)
  144. Just what is Gore afraid of? (107 replies)
  145. Millions wasted on gov't travel (10 replies)
  146. Are all democrats retarded? (141 replies)
  147. CIA and military terrorist organizations... (3 replies)
  148. This is what happens when... (7 replies)
  149. 5k for every child born?? What country is this? (19 replies)
  150. NOW they figure it out. (8 replies)
  151. let the computer pick your candidate (11 replies)
  152. Rice on Climate Change (57 replies)
  153. What if......................... (18 replies)
  154. Petty and Cruel Dictator....INDEED! (13 replies)
  155. charging a man with murder in this place (4 replies)
  156. Speaking of the pathetic Dan Rather (23 replies)
  157. call your senators (1 replies)
  158. The moveon.org "General Betrayus" ad (131 replies)
  159. Political Parties and Jesus (5 replies)
  160. Talk about a thought provoking display... (3 replies)
  161. Rot row. (0 replies)
  162. What a focking hypocrite... (12 replies)
  163. from your friends at the GOP (26 replies)
  164. The Boarder crossing Guide (0 replies)
  165. Bout sums it up. (7 replies)
  166. O'bama's latest rant... (105 replies)
  167. Why would she be hanging out with these folks? (62 replies)
  168. Don't Forget. (73 replies)
  169. President in 08' (86 replies)
  170. Al G vs PETA (16 replies)
  171. "Bin Laden's" latest rant (157 replies)
  172. grave marker (7 replies)
  173. West LA VA Land (66 replies)
  174. One simple request... (21 replies)
  175. What happend to the non bias press? a thing of the past, or just (16 replies)
  176. Can you give me a reason we should like them? (70 replies)
  177. Environmentalist Activism, A History Lesson (8 replies)
  178. Flag etiquette (13 replies)
  179. Edwards' Hair Doo (24 replies)
  180. Another one for the "man made" global warming suckers (56 replies)
  181. This is just too much (64 replies)
  182. It is in the NUMBERS! (1 replies)
  183. What is going on with the grand ol party?? (242 replies)
  184. Miss Teen USA comments how to improve US, such as (25 replies)
  185. He called me a racist (125 replies)
  186. Historical definition of political left. (30 replies)
  187. Free Food (34 replies)
  188. Moose Population cause of global warming (6 replies)
  189. Presidential Campaign Process (29 replies)
  190. Path of Hurricane- Lookout (4 replies)
  191. Zeitgeist 2 hour movie. Conspiracy, 911 Religion (15 replies)
  192. liberals are communists and dems are libs (139 replies)
  193. our boy clown 472 (2 replies)
  195. Another chinaman on the end of a rope (6 replies)
  196. Haditha, revisited, (24 replies)
  197. take it for what it is worth, rather strange (4 replies)
  198. ?????? (12 replies)
  199. Well not fond of them (5 replies)
  200. opps (1 replies)
  201. THE Ideal Car for our Communist Lite group here. (6 replies)
  202. Friends of Ultra (8 replies)
  203. Famous Quotes (62 replies)
  204. The Great Global Warming Swindle (167 replies)
  205. It's all good, just keep watching tv. (6 replies)
  206. More global warming stupidity (124 replies)
  207. Eliminated Sprinter: What do We Get?: (7 replies)
  208. Aftermath: Unions, Dutch elm disease and Black plague. (4 replies)
  209. Yet another twist. (9 replies)
  210. And this is ok? (25 replies)
  211. Highrollers club (41 replies)
  212. Radical Islam in America (1 replies)
  213. Bush sets global climate meeting (68 replies)
  214. It's all W fault! (38 replies)
  215. Those wacky democrats. THIS should pizz off everyone.. (5 replies)
  216. Gift For Your Kids (31 replies)
  217. Great Moments In Presidential Speeches (1 replies)
  218. Yet another reason to keep buying shit made in china (21 replies)
  219. What is wrong with providing proof of identification when voting? (32 replies)
  220. Wow..... (3 replies)
  221. The Prison Camp Myth Marshall Law coming to a town near you (117 replies)
  222. The World's Shortest Books (9 replies)
  223. Recent Discovery (9 replies)
  224. Harsh critics to hey maybe we can win the war (42 replies)
  225. Hey Ultra boy (5 replies)
  226. Gingrich Predicts Clinton-Obama Ticket (3 replies)
  227. Your taxes hard at work (56 replies)
  228. Given a choice of only (46 replies)
  229. Well now (27 replies)
  230. Nice (4 replies)
  231. Obama Foreign Policy (177 replies)
  232. Live Streaming YouTube Democrat Debate (3 replies)
  233. Mitt Romney's Campaign (1 replies)
  234. P.r.f. (6 replies)
  235. Question for the forum liberals and anti Bush crowd. (78 replies)
  236. Stock market 14,000! (23 replies)
  237. The Generals (2 replies)
  238. Ultra26...calling you out son (38 replies)
  239. File this one under "Duhh" (24 replies)
  240. Iraqi informants may be the key (10 replies)
  241. Bush's resignation speech. (14 replies)
  242. More Gore-pocricy (5 replies)
  243. LMOA...this is for the fools that voted in the dems (46 replies)
  244. So we pull out of Iraq, then what? (52 replies)
  245. So how about that North Korea dealeo.. (18 replies)
  246. New INS procedures (1 replies)
  247. Working for a better tomorrow. (51 replies)
  248. meanwhile back at the Kremlin (5 replies)
  249. A war we can't win... (122 replies)
  250. House Passes Troop Withdrawal Bill (64 replies)