Well on August 15th I'm making my voyage back to Cali after living in CO since I was 16 (now 24). What are some things i should be aware of now? After living with all these redneck bastards I've developed a fondness for 4wheelin, shootin, and drinkin lots of hooch.... things for some reason I think CA might not be to fond of for some reason. So I'm coommin on out driving my lifted jeep that likes to run over small fur bearing animals with a bunch of guns in the back and a small uhaul in tow. Any stuff ya think i should know pertaining to some of the above mentioned? Can you still drive on the beach?
I'm still gonna keep my permanant address in CO at my parents house so I can avoid paying 20x registration fees to the DMV and the whole smog shit as well as be able to still buy any gun I want. I'll just be working as an out of state consultant and keep all my addy info for anywhere I get a job back in CO. My parents just fedex me anything important. Hope that whole thing is legal :idea:
BTW, I'll be moving to San Clemente in Orange County. Any of ya all live round there? Also, gonna be lookin for some place to store my boat when it gets brought out before winter... anyone have a spare chunk a land ya would be willin to rent? (its the little boat in my sig)
Thanks everyone,