Dear SCOPE guys,
I am writing this letter with growing concern for the terrific sport and activity that we call boating. Well, specifically, the poker run events that are held across the US every year. After much research and consideration, our team feels that the SCOPE poker run is a great and worthy event that every true poker run enthusiast should enjoy and attend. However, it seems that the date of the SCOPE poker run usually falls on a date that happens to be as the same as the LOTO run back in the Midwest.
Both events are in our teams top 3 to attend for the year. With conflicting dates, we feel that many teams as well as ours have to make that tough decision on which event to actually attend for the 2006 season.
We would like to request that a consideration is made to not hold your event at the same time as the LOTO event. You see, there are these 2 guys on ***boat who have offered me the world to ride with me in the LOTO run and I really don't want to disappoint them. This guy who even has a Kachina is going to dress up from the darth guy from the movie Spaceballs for our helicopter shot. There may even be a Jack in the Box guy show up, but I really don't think that the other guy is lame enought to actually wear the headpiece, so the Kachina Spaceballs Vader guy will be the hit of the party. If he passes out, we'll bring him to your SCOPE event dressed that way as well.
So you see, we have a great year lined up and would really like to participate in the SCOPE event with our boat named..... well, I am trying to figure out some flaming bowtie 1600 cranky ass name thing for my new boat. I had an issue with my last boat that made the motor.... nevermind, wrong letter.
In closing, I am a big dog on the west coast and want to do both events so back your sh*t up a weekend, or make it a week later, just not the same weekend as LOTO.
Thank you for your time,
Jay Photoglou