I am sitting here in total amazement with my luck. The guy who was supposed to buy my boat, decided not to. This is the third deadbeat I have come into contact with. I am so pissed. I took a $500 deposit and held it two weeks. He said the boat plus buying a motor was too much money. Well, I gave him his deposit back. I never got a receipt stating it as "non refundable", so in court I would have to refund it most likely. He was nice enough to tell that if I didn't refund his deposit, he would put a lien on my house. He said he has a contractors license, so he can. Then his son and him walk around my house, writing down all the license plate numbers of all my cars, and neigbors cars....
What a major ass clown. I am so pissed. Then I am walking back into my house anfter I hand him a check for his deposit refund and his son hops out and runs up to me and says "Look, my dad is just trying to help me out. Would you take a little less for it?" I politely said to him that I am so ****ing pissed, it is best him and his father leave and that I would not sell the boat to people like him and his father if he paid me three times what I am asking.