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Thread: 3rd Time Still Sucks

  1. #21
    Yeah, lesson learned. I am just kind of melancholy right now. When I meet people like that, it really gets me down.....
    I'll live though. For every bad one, I meet a bunch of good ones.

  2. #22
    is that why your here.. for the good people that is..

  3. #23
    its getting to be very difficult to weed out the bad to find the good!
    "Its a shame you cant smell the sweet smell of a rose garden, over the smell of this shithole"

  4. #24
    A word to the wise - ask whomever you're selling anything to what they do for a living before you sell to them. If they say they're a lawyer, DO NOT SELL TO THEM!
    You have the right not to sell and you will be thankful. There's nothing like selling something to a lawyer and watching him take you to court - it only costs him his time and it'll cost you everything and then some to defend yourself.
    If you're a contractor do yourself a favor and do not get involved in having lawyers as customers. Trust me - I've seen what they can do (want to provide services like plumbing, electrical, cabinetry, etc., to a lawyer? Watch them take you to court, get their money back and have them keep what you sold them plus cost you legal fees? It can happen).

  5. #25
    I hope you find a good home soon for your boat Justin...Keep tryen.

  6. #26
    Originally posted by mike37
    lien your house he cant do that he would have had to do work on your hom to lien it or get a cort order and that would invove suing you
    believe it or not this ISN'T true. I had a jackoff landscaping company put a lien on our new home a few years ago. ANYONE and I repeat can put a lien on your home. This company came out and gave us a free in home consultation and drew up color plans to do our yard. Mind you he stated there wasnt ANY fee required if we didn't use there company. We gave them our drawlings of what we had in mind, they embellished them,,,,BUT it was pretty much exactly what I had sketched out. After the bid came back at an alarming figure, we had someone else do it( for a third of the price). He stated we stole his plans and put a lien for 2500.00 for copyright enfrigment. Had to hire a realestate lawer to get it removed. After he went back and forth we the lawer, he still wanted to setle for something like 500.00......he got nothing! Was a major waste of time on my part. And cost me something like 400.00 for the lawers letters In the process I learned from the BBB that this was a common practice for this company.

  7. #27
    Dr. Eagle
    I believe that CA hot rod boy has a very good point. Threatening you with a lien against your property, when he has not done work on your property is what amounts to a "fraudulent lien" and could be easily contested and removed from your title. Obviously, for 500 bucks the hassle factor alone makes it not worth going down that road.
    Regardless this was an infraction of the highest order of the California business and professions code because he was in essence using the lien threat to harrass you over a deal that was not related to anything where the lien laws could possibly apply. You would be doing others a service by filing a complaint, as it could result in his licence being suspended or other disciplinary action may be taken against him. Maybe he'd think twice about pulling that crap on someone else...

  8. #28
    No matter how badly it went for you try to remember one thing, it could've been worse. Dickheads like that are so not worth your time and trouble and they could've found a way to really make this a terrible experience (like giving you a forged check while taking and damaging your boat which you'd still be lucky to get back after the bad check thing).
    Good luck selling it to someone who appreciates it. And everyone who is or will sell their boat should learn from your experience. There are a lot of losers out there.

  9. #29
    The spring and summer months are just around the corner. Your boat is very desireable amongst the high performance crowd and will sell if you are patient. Put it in the local Boat Trader in the spring and it will sell. Good Luck.

  10. #30
    Blown 472
    Shoulda given him the meat hook enema. ****er.

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