Here is the concept. I would like to see at least one thread in this section that contains referenced statements and does not turn into a name calling contest. If this turns out to be a bad idea I am going to delete this so donÂ’t anyone get attached to it. (Bad idea is defined by me spending all my time moderating this thread). PM me if you have questions about this, do not post them in the thread.
EDIT!!! Actually I will be taking suggestions for a topic to discuss. Please post below. As I am sure some of you can't resist posting something stupid don't get your feelings hurt when I delete your post.
Here are the rules for this thread.
1. All allegations must be backed up with references / sources.
2. All rebuttals must be backed up with references / sources.
3. No name calling, keep it intelligent.
4. I will temporarily ban you if you cause problems on this thread.