So, my daughter broke her arm yesterday morning. This is really the first major mishap with our kids other than when my son was burrito wrapped in the emergency room as a baby for stitches on his face. Being a parent, the last thing you want to see is your child in pain knowing there's nothing you can do except to try and comfort them . Well, she not only hates shots, but flys off the table and out the door at the sight of a needle. I big deal a broken arm, it's a kid...well, they had to re-break her arm so they needed to give her pain medication to numb the area so they could do the re-break. Holy hell....what this poor child had to endure and what I had to see will haunt me for the rest of my freakin life.
The doctor is as old as dirt and has absolutely NO compassion what-so-ever, so it's needle time and I kid you not he stabbed her with this needle about 30 different times just digging and grinding :2purples: as she lays there screaming and I'm asking you really need to do this ?????? When he was done with the needle, I looked at it and it was completely bent , granted it was a very tiny needle, but I think it was a bit excessive. Is this normal?? Am I just being a mom?? Am I a wuss ??
I know it probly won't be the last time, but if something like this ever happens of their adopted mom's will have to step in and take over . Luckily she's not in alot of pain and is in pretty good spirits for the most part and at least they have the option of getting a hot pink cast .