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Thread: Bakersfield Real Estate, who knew?

  1. #11
    OIL used to drive this economy. What drives it now???

  2. #12
    Last year when we went to Ming for the races, We went into the Mc Millin homes that were being built out their. When she (sales person) told us the prices, I damned near choked! Homes on the outskirts of Bakersfield selling for $475,000. Now that Mesa Marin is shut down, I saw markers all over that area for development. There is going to be alot of homes out there with no roads to support them. I never would have thought this would happen out there. Country homes? Yes. Multi tract homes? Never! Where's the Walmart going to go?
    $475,000 is the cheapest you will find there now. :rollside: Walmart is already there.

  3. #13
    Wow! That was fast. Is the race track gone yet?

  4. #14
    Brian Ray
    Here are some interesting articles....
    Bakersfield is doing just fine..... At least in my neck of the woods.....

  5. #15
    OIL used to drive this economy. What drives it now???
    Oil, Out of Town investors, Quick LA Commute, Service, Ag.
    In that order.

  6. #16
    Wow! That was fast. Is the race track gone yet?
    Mesa Marin is gone. It's depressing to look at.
    We still have a few other tracks.

  7. #17
    Is that the area where right before you go into the Canyons to head towards Tehachipi/Isabella?

  8. #18
    Mr. Pixilated
    Shouldn't you be get'n ready for work, missy...

  9. #19
    Dave C
    we don't call that kookiness... that is eccentric ... there is a difference
    we got plenty of those "types" up here. Can I send you some?
    Herb is a kook.
    He writes a column about trees, leaves, lamps, whatever.
    It's for old folks.

  10. #20
    Last time I was up there on my bike I noticied that area. Wasn't there a riding area for the off-road bikes? Did they build a lot of homes there also?
    Yeah, McMillin came in and is building ALOT of houses in our corner of town. All the riding is getting fenced off, it's a constant run to stay ahead of the cops.
    we don't call that kookiness... that is eccentric ... there is a difference
    we got plenty of those "types" up here. Can I send you some?
    Ha Ha, sorry full up here...

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