Well its kinda a sleeper even with the goodys showing. In big water I get alot of V boats that think they have an edge, They soon learn how well a Skater works in rough water, even the baby one.
Yes its intercooled, that was the first thing I changed. Its in the land and sea housing but the exchanger is custom and much stronger than the original.
Whats it like driving your boat? I have visions of Hydrostreams and Alisons, lots of steering wheel action to stay on the pad. Am I even close? Other than some torque steer and a wiggle to get loose my boat is like driving a car.
Im afraid to even guess what mine weighs. Its alot more than yours.
Sounds like your going to redefine starting from scratch with the next boat. Is it going to be similar to the one you have now? Be careful during testing, its scary going were nobody has been before.
We are from Gun Lake Michigan, thats about 35 miles from the Skater factory in Douglas Michigan.
To BillyD,
All Skaters have a similar design now and don't have the center pod. They work great, the 24 with twins is over a 100 MPH, a 24 with tripples will get you close to 130 MPH.
I don't know much about the 21 and how much power it needs but I would be surprised if it didnt go at least close to 100 MPH. If your looking for a fast boat that can handle rough water, the Skater cant be beat.
I dont think a two stroke can be supercharged, A turbo increases both exhaust and intake pressure making the engine think its operating in a very dense atmosphere (like way below sea level) A supercharger would only increase intake pressure. But then again one of the first things I read about Turbos was they would'nt work on a two stroke, I'd like to give that guy a ride.
One last thing, I would love to have Scott and Dan as brothers but I was refering to there 24 Skaters being My 18's big brothers.
Hope everyone has a good holiday, Todd.